Adorable Photos Of 10 Newborn Pandas Disclosed By A Chinese Giant Panda Breeding Center


Pandas are among the most adorable animals on the planet. Their iconic patterns on the fur, chubbiness, and clumsiness seem to have charisma. These cute, cuddly bears are additionally innocent and playful. I’ve seen an adorable video of a panda cub keeping rolling and tumbling around when the zookeeper is trying to rake leaves. So lovely creature!

Credit: Credits: imagechina & Li Qiaoqiao / Corbis

Are you curious about what does a baby panda looks like and how it is cared for? If yes, this article will make it all clear. A giant panda breeding center in Ya’an, Sichuan province, China disclosed adorable photos of 10 newborn pandas. These fragile creatures were on display and won the hearts of millions.

Credit: Credits: imagechina & Li Qiaoqiao / Corbis
Credit: Credits: imagechina & Li Qiaoqiao / Corbis

The cubs drew the attention of visitors to the facility. These cubs were napping quietly in baskets on their first appearance. Some individuals claimed that it was the most tranquil scene they had ever witnessed.

Credit: Credits: imagechina & Li Qiaoqiao / Corbis

As these were one week to two months old only, the staff at the breeding center had to keep a close eye on them. Luckily, all 10 cubs were doing really great.

Credit: Credits: imagechina & Li Qiaoqiao / Corbis
Credit: Credits: imagechina & Li Qiaoqiao / Corbis

Giant pandas or pandas live mainly in temperate forests high in the mountains of southwest China where they feed entirely on bamboo (shoots, leaves, and stems). They eat around 26 to 84 pounds of it every day and grow up to 200 pounds to females and up to 300 pounds to males.

Credit: Credits: imagechina & Li Qiaoqiao / Corbis

Although these pictures were first shared a few years ago, they still gain millions of views these days. Who can resist the cuteness of a baby panda?

Credit: Credits: imagechina & Li Qiaoqiao / Corbis

There are just approximately 1,500 pandas left in the wild today.

China’s giant panda breeding institutes have worked tirelessly to safeguard and sustain the species’ population. They develop appropriate habitats and provide the necessary care for these species.

Credit: Credits: imagechina & Li Qiaoqiao / Corbis
Credit: Credits: imagechina & Li Qiaoqiao / Corbis
Credit: Credits: imagechina & Li Qiaoqiao / Corbis
Credit: Credits: imagechina & Li Qiaoqiao / Corbis

As you may know, giant pandas only give birth to one cub every 2 years. That’s why the birth of a giant panda cub is worth celebrating.

Credit: Credits: imagechina & Li Qiaoqiao / Corbis

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