Dog Waits Patiently For The Garbage Truck Driver Every Week


Jett has always had an uncanny ability to make friends no matter where he goes. Curt Stickley, a garbage truck driver, is one of the 4-year-old German shepherd’s most profound partnerships.

They just seem to make each other’s day better.


Jett’s father, Derek Molter, was working in the yard a year ago when the garbage truck came to a halt in front of the home.

Molter told The Dodo, “The driver got out and came up to where Jett was sleeping and asked me whether it was OK to give him a gift.” “Of course, I said yes, and we became friends.”

The two mates have made it a weekly ritual to stop by whenever Stickley passes by on his route. “If I’m home, I let Jett out once a week, and he runs and sits on the grass, patiently waiting for his friend Curt to stop and bring him a treat,” Molter said.


Molter was recently absent on garbage day for two weeks in a row, preventing Jett from greeting his pal outside.

Molter didn’t understand the pup missed Stickley until he got a message in his mailbox, but the feeling was reciprocal.


He followed the note’s instructions to “Look Inside,” where he discovered four dog treats to make up for the missed visits. The gesture moved Molter so much that he shared images of it on Facebook, where they quickly went viral.


“I even went so far as to phone the City of Kamloops solid trash department and spoke with the driver’s supervisor to thank him for going above and above,” Molter added.

Molter now makes it a point to be home on garbage pickup day so Jett may spend time with his pal.

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