In The Rain A Photographer Notices Frogs Sharing A Sweet Hug


Ajar Setiadi has been fascinated by the hidden lives of the wild creatures and reptiles that reside near his home in Bogor, Indonesia, since he was a boy.

Years ago, he was motivated by this interest to take up a camera in order to capture the distinctive snakes, frogs, lizards, birds, and insects he’d spent hours viewing.


And, after so much time behind the camera, he’s mastered the art of catching these elusive tiny creatures in emotive, almost human moments.

Setiadi enjoys watching the white tree frogs, sometimes known as dumpy tree frogs, take refuge under the greenery when it rains.


He was outside after a storm in February when he spotted one frog tenderly shielding another from the elements as they sought cover under a flower parasol.

He took a picture and understood right away that it was a great occasion. Setiadi told The Dodo, “I could only grab a few frames since this moment can’t be recreated.”


It takes a lot of time to capture these amazing connections, but Setiadi believes it’s always worth it. Setiadi said, “I let [the animals] behave.” “All I’m waiting for is the ideal opportunity.”

And Setiadi isn’t afraid of getting a bit wet if it means seeing nature at its most beautiful.

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