Meet The Ayam Cemani An Indonesian Exotic Chicken Breed That Is Black From The Inside Out


Is it possible to have a chicken breed that is completely black, from feathers to organs? Many of us are sceptical about the existence of this strange monster. But, people, it does. The Ayam Cemani, sometimes known as the “Lamborghini of poultry,” is a rare and elegant Indonesian chicken breed.

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Ayam Cemani is one of the most distinctive and intriguing breeds on the earth since it is black from the inside out. Black feathers, black skin, black comb, black flesh, black organs, and black bones adorn this fowl!

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The stunning black look is due to a mutant fibromelanistic gene that generates an overabundance of black pigment in this breed. As a result, the skin and tissues turn black.

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Despite its rarity, the Ayam Cemani is a pleasant and easy-to-handle bird.

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Ayam Cemani is a bird of medium size. Roosters weigh 4.5-6.5 pounds, while hens average 3.5-4.5 pounds. In their first year, the chickens lay from 60 to 100 cream-colored eggs. They will, however, stop producing eggs for three to six months.

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Despite its rare beauty, Ayam Cemani is a friendly bird that is easy to handle.

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Ayam Cemani is a bird of medium size. Roosters weigh 4.5-6.5 pounds, while hens average 3.5-4.5 pounds. In their first year, the chickens lay from 60 to 100 cream-colored eggs. They will, however, stop producing eggs for three to six months.

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Ayam Cemani is a sign of riches and social rank in Asia. This magnificent chicken species is also supposed to possess magical abilities that allow them to communicate with both the living and the spirit worlds. It is sacrificed to the gods as a sacrificial bird.

Additionally, the charcoal-colored blood and other parts of the bird used to be added to traditional medicine preparations.

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