A Dog Rescued From A Fight Finds Comfort In A Bunny Twice Her Size


When Mindy Hayes of Erie, Pennsylvania, brought Sophie the bunny home last year, she made sure to introduce her dogs to her new family member gradually.

Rabbits and dogs don’t typically get along, but Hayes immediately discovered that Grace, her 2-year-old rescue pit bull, was not one of them.


Hayes told The Dodo, “It was an instant bond.” “They smelled each other, and it was all downhill from there.”

The two fuzzy sisters grew inseparable very fast. Grace wasn’t far behind Sophie wherever she went. It wasn’t long before the sweet pooch began brushing her new friend’s hair and cuddling up on the couch with her every day.


“I can’t keep them apart,” Hayes said. “Grace is constantly following Sophie, laying with her on the couch and licking her head. Grace would groom Sophie until she is sopping wet if I let her!”

Like dogs, rabbits are very social animals, which means they form loving bonds with their humans or other animal family members. Being groomed is a sign of affection for rabbits — and it’s clear that Sophie is a big fan of it.

Sophie, who is 11 months old, has a long way to go in terms of development. Adult Flemish giant rabbits weigh roughly 15 pounds on average but can reach 20 pounds. They don’t appear to be that different in size while she’s spread out relaxing with Grace.


Many people outside the family are surprised to learn how lovely Sophie and Grace are to one another, according to Hayes. While the girls’ tight relationship seems natural to those who know them, many people outside the family are surprised to learn how kind Sophie and Grace are to one another.


Many people outside the family are surprised to learn how lovely Sophie and Grace are to one another, according to Hayes. While the girls’ tight relationship seems natural to those who know them, many people outside the family are surprised to learn how kind Sophie and Grace are to one another.


Hayes stated, “Sophie loves to sit on the couch with my husband and myself.” “As we pet her, she will sit on both of our laps and kiss our hands. When I call her, she comes running and follows us around the home. She’s a sociable and cheerful rabbit!”

Every time Hayes sees the two connect, he smiles — and there’s little doubt that the furry couple is just as glad to have each other.

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