A Group Of Brave Pigs Banded Together To Take On A Bear That Had Climbed Into Their Pen


Rebecca Shaw’s life grew fuller a little over a year ago. She adopted two darling pet pigs named Hamlet and Mary at the time, and they currently reside with her in Connecticut.

Shaw told The Dodo, “I’ve been in love with them ever since.” “They’re incredible.”

However, a recent occurrence demonstrated how incredible Hamlet and Mary are.


Hamlet and Mary were relaxing in their cage the other day when they were interrupted by an unexpected guest. The visitor was a bear, and he wasn’t bashful about letting everyone know he was there.

When the bear saw the pigpen and its pudgy-faced residents, he clambered up and into it, presumably figuring that these pigs were easy prey. He was completely wrong.

When Hamlet and Mary first saw the unexpected invader, they decided to work together to chase the bear away.

The bear had no idea how things were going to turn out. Mary fought back valiantly after being pounced on. Then Hamlet stepped in to put an end to the bear’s antics. Surprisingly, neither party was injured in the altercation.

Shaw has always adored her pigs, but after witnessing video of their bravery in action, she can’t help but fall in love with them even more.

Shaw stated, “Thank goodness they were unharmed because it could’ve turned out a lot worse.” “Hamlet is typically terrified of his own shadow, and Mary is usually the defender, but I’m very proud of him because he demonstrated how fearless he can be. I am incredibly grateful and proud of them.”

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