After Being Lost For Five Years A Little Dog Runs Into His Mother’s Arms


Paris didn’t at first identify those who were in front of him. Despite the fact that the small puppy hadn’t seen them in five years, as soon as he recognized them, he sprang into his mother’s arms and wouldn’t let go.

Bob Swensen, an animal rescuer, told The Dodo that the animal “started to know them and then simply wanted to be carried.” “It was the world’s greatest sensation.”


Swensen, who’s part of the Lost Animal Resource Group, had been searching for a different lost pet along a set of Baltimore city train tracks when a camera he’d set up to monitor for dogs alerted him that Paris had stumbled into one of his traps.

“I watched the camera and saw the two little eyes crawling up into the trap,” Swensen said. “He was nervous and probably scared, but handled it well. I got him home and got him settled into my home office.”

Aided by Rachel Moxley of Microchip Help, Swensen was able to find Paris’ true home. Soon, Swensen was watching with glee as Paris and his family were reunited.


Mom of Paris was shocked to see her beloved cat back in her arms. She admitted to Swensen that Paris had run away while momentarily visiting with a family friend, but she never gave up hope that he’d come back.

Swensen remarked that “she couldn’t believe we discovered Paris.” “She had been hoping and praying for over three years that Paris would be located and that she wouldn’t adopt another dog. She persisted in prayer and never gave up.

Swensen has been engaged in several pet rescues, but this one seemed especially significant.

Although we have reunited many of missing dogs, Swensen noted that this one was particularly meaningful.


It’s unclear where Paris was for the last five years. Swensen thinks he was likely kept by someone else before escaping to the train tracks. Regardless of where Paris’ adventures took him, it’s clear now that Paris will never feel lost again.

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