Elephant Calf Refuses To Sleep And Becomes An Online Phenomenon


While we adults are willing to do everything for a good night’s sleep, children are less enthusiastic about going to bed early, so they attempt to put it off as long as possible. It turns out that not only human toddlers, but even infant animals, refuse to go to bed.

Credit: Instagram/sheldricktrust

Recently, an adorable elephant calf took the Internet by storm with her extremely cute way to protest when caretakers announced it is bedtime. The moment unfolded at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust – a baby elephant rescue group in Kenya – and it went viral after the group shared it online.

Credit: Instagram/sheldricktrust

The charming clip shows Kinyei, a baby elephant, trying to persuade her carer that it is playtime, not bedtime, in her bid to persuade him that it is playtime, not night However, the patient’s caregiver is not impressed!

Credit: Instagram/sheldricktrust

The group wrote in the video description, “Kinyei is simply not ready to go to sleep.” ” She’s had her nightly milk bottles, her best buddies are already nestled down next door, the Nursery is quieting down all around her… But this outgoing teen saw a window of opportunity to defy sleep and jumped straight through it!”

Kinyei has a fascinating life narrative, according to the orphanage. Three years ago, a motorist noticed the young elephant approaching a bunch of lions and saved her just in time.

“She was completely alone, and she would have been extremely easy prey as soon as the lions felt prompted,” Sheldrick Trust noted. “Thank goodness, fate intervened, and little Kinyei now brightens our days.”

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