Meet Leo The Adorable Rabbit Who Was Born Without Ears


When we think of rabbits, we frequently think of their long, distinctive ears, which are their most distinguishing characteristic. As a result, it’s difficult to conceive how they’d seem without ears. However, nature works in strange ways, and sometimes a rabbit is born with no ears.

Credit: Clarke

Leo is a wonderfully adorable bunny that was born without ears. Leo was the only one of eight siblings to be born without floppy ears, possibly owing to a genetic abnormality. She currently lives happily with her Belfast, Northern Ireland-based owner, Kylie Clarke.

“From the moment Leo was born, I sensed something wasn’t quite right. Then, as she grew older, it became clear that she had been born without any ears,” Clarke explained.

Leo was given this name because she resembles a newborn lion. “That’s the first time I’ve ever seen anything like it.” She is very stunning. We called her Leo because she just looks like a wee mini lion.”

Credit: Clarke

Clarke was concerned about Leo’s condition and chose to keep her as a pet. Despite the fact that she lacks ears, she appears to be a healthy and happy bunny. We’re relieved to learn that Leo will be able to enjoy a happy and healthy life with her owner.

Credit: Clarke

“At first, I was terrified, but after doing a little more study, I found it’s really unusual, but it can happen.” As far as I can tell from my investigation, there isn’t a precise reason. Clarke stated, “She’s otherwise happy and healthy.”

Credit: Clarke

“It’s really quite frequent; they aren’t born that way; some mothers bite their kids’ ears immediately after birth due to excessive grooming; I’m guessing that’s what occurred here.”

“It also looks like a Hamster, but I believe Lion is next.”

Credit: Clarke

“Isn’t this just a guinea pig? He is a cutie!”

“Yes 1st thing I thought straight away Simba out of Lion King.

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