Owl Mother Delighted To Discover Babies In Her Nest After Her Eggs Didn’t Hatch


This optimistic owl called Luna has attempted to have children for the past two years. But sadly, despite her best efforts, nothing worked out.

In addition to her eggs not hatching this year, Robert E. Fuller, a British animal rehabilitator, stated that she had lost her clutch the previous year.

Luna’s dream did, however, ultimately come true this year.

Credit: Robert E Fuller

When Fuller came to learn of two owl chicks who’d become orphaned and were in need of a parent, his thoughts turned to Luna. Knowing that her maternal instincts were going unfulfilled again this year, he decided to introduce Luna to the two needy babies.

Fuller placed them inside her nest, awaiting her return. But would she accept them?

Footage of what happened next erased all doubt:

Luna sprang to the side of the abandoned chicks without any hesitation, apparently excited to take them under her wing.

After a protracted wait, Luna the tawny owl is now a mother, according to Fuller.

The young family’s future has never looked better thanks to the love that brought them together.

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