The Footage Of An Elephant Preventing Her Human From Going Into The River Alone Is Inspiring


Elephants are among the cutest, most friendly, most intellectual creatures on the planet. Even if they had a difficult start, their ability to love is unaffected. They will undoubtedly be the loveliest animals on the earth if they are raised in the love and care of people.

Credit: Elephant Nature Park

Faa Mai the 9-year-old elephant in this story is an example. The playful and lovely girl builds a strong bond with her human, Lek Chailert, the founder of Elephant Nature Park (ENP).

Credit: Elephant Nature Park

Faa Mai was born at the refuge and raised there. Mae Bua Tong, her mother, was rescued from the tourism sector in 2005 and discharged at ENP. Eight times a day, she was compelled to transport visitors up and down the mountain. Thankfully, she was released free and spent her days in the sanctuary relaxing.

Credit: Elephant Nature Park

Faa Mai has a special relationship with Chailert and is fond of her cuddles and lullaby. The elephant doesn’t let her favorite friend out of sight – or her grasp.

Credit: Elephant Nature Park

And this time, the cheerful animal was playing in the mud when she spotted her friend. Could you guess what she does? She happily came over to hug her human with a trunk full of mud. And the result was Chailert’s hair and face were covered in mud.

Credit: Elephant Nature Park

Chailert To wash up, I had to go down to the neighboring river. Faa Mai, on the other hand, was adamant about not letting her leave. Following her companion into the river, the cheerful elephant massaged her with her trunk. Chailert’s entire body was covered with dirt.

Credit: Elephant Nature Park

When Chailert walked out of the water, the elephant tossed her out like a mother throwing her calf. Faa Mai was always checking to see if her human was okay. She was a compassionate and protective mother as well as a big sister. Who could possibly be furious at such a lovely, massive creature?

Credit: Elephant Nature Park
Credit: Elephant Nature Park

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