This Adorable Little Rescue Owl Needed A Bath And The Photos Are Hilarious


A fluffy new patient was just admitted to the Massey Wildbase animal hospital in New Zealand – a morepork, a sort of small owl. He’d developed a minor skin infection that was giving him discomfort.

Fortunately for the small owl, the situation is pretty simple to solve. However, there was one drawback.

He’d have to take a bath.


According to Pauline Nijman, a Wildbase supervisor, owls loathe getting wet, even if it is raining. So, when it came time to give this owl a medicinal bubble bath, Nijman anticipated that he wouldn’t consider it pampering.

Nijman told The Dodo, “It was a major thing for both of us.”

A disgruntled owl may be seen in photos taken throughout the process.


Turns out, much of an owl’s stately appearance actually comes from the puffiness of their plumage. Being soaked changes their look quite dramatically.

“He’s a smaller kid but in lovely condition,” Nijman said. “[Though] once all the fluff is wet, they look frightfully pathetic!”


To treat the infection, the owl was treated with chlorhexidine and then rinsed clean. Nijman writes, “He was NOT pleased.”

Following that, Nijman rubbed him off with a towel and dried him off with an air blower.


“He did dry up rather nicely!” Nijman said.


The rescued owl was returned to the clinic’s aviary, where he was joined by many other moreporks who are being rehabilitated thereafter he was back to his former fluffy self.

“From his ‘ordeal,’ he has healed nicely,” Nijman said.


With any hope, that one medical bubble bath will be enough to cure the owl’s skin problem. If that’s the case, he’ll be returned to the wild in perfect condition.

Hundreds of animals are cared for at Massey Wildbase each year, many of which are endangered species. But, while the life-saving therapies given there, such as the small owl’s bath, aren’t always pleasant, Nijman understands that it’s all for the sake of the patients. And it is the most important thing.

“It’s an honor to care for such incredible birds and reptiles,” Nijman said.

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