Three Young Bear Cubs Are Seen Playing In A Woman’s Yard


Much to Margaret Perkins’ surprise and happiness, three lovely guests recently chose to drop by her North Carolina lawn.

There were three little bear cubs there who were obviously looking for fun.

The playful bear pups immediately settled in Perkins’ yard as she watched from a window. They seemed particularly intrigued by Perkins’ huge woven hammock. They then started to enjoy it like three hyperactive children.

Here is a clip of that party:

Perkins claimed that the mother bear was present the entire time, sleeping just out of view. In the end, the cubs did return to her, but given how rowdy they were, it’s understandable why Mom would have wanted a break.

Perkins, on the other hand, didn’t appear to mind the visit, as reported by the Ashland Citizen Times:

“Watching that was quite funny.”

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