When A 9 Year Old Bear First Sees Water He Leaps With Excitement


When a bear is rescued from a bile farm, his response to discovering he is finally free is the cutest. The large animal, kept in tiny confines for over a decade, just cannot believe his eyes as he swims for the first time. His irrational joyous reaction was captured on tape, and it is nothing short of touching!

However, none of this would have been possible if not for the kind individuals from Animals Asia, a Hong Kong-based nonprofit organization that specialized in helping disadvantaged animals. They prevented countless wild animals from living the saddest lives possible. This is what happened to the moon bear Tuffy. The kind bear was kept in a cage and employed at a bile farm for much too long.

Credit: Youtube/Animals Asia

After over 9 years and huge efforts from animal rights activist, Tuffy finally got the chance to live his life peacefully. Rescued from the miserable place where he has been forced to live, the bear was taken to one of Animals Asia’s sanctuaries.

But the tough life he has been through left too many physically and emotionally wounds onto the poor bear.

Credit: Youtube/Animals Asia

Nevertheless, Tuffy was able to completely appreciate his little period of freedom despite having impaired vision and severe jaw sorenesses.

The rescued bear is being transported to a magnificent refuge in Vietnam, where he will soon swim for the first time. but not before having surgery and recovering completely!

Credit: Youtube/Animals Asia

“Coming from years of little or no water, for Tuffy this must feel like a true oasis after being parched and in pain for so long,” Louise Ellis from Animals Asia wrote on the charity’s website.

Watch the emotional moment Tuffy jumps for joy, just like a baby, when he goes into a pool for the first time!

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