When A Wild Baby Fox Finds A Woman’s Yard She Decides It Is Now Hers


Emma Thompson had the impression that she wasn’t alone one day at the end of July as she was working in her office with the kitchen door open to let in some fresh air.

Thompson told The Dodo, “She noticed me and hurried out the door. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something orange and moving close past my leg.”

And that was the first time Foxy had ever met Thompson.


Soon, Foxy began showing up in Thompson’s yard every day, and she slowly started to piece together her origin story. Foxy had been born in a neighbor’s yard, but the neighbor wasn’t a fan of foxes and destroyed the den.

Foxy had nowhere to go, and on her search for a new place to live, she came across Thompson’s yard. Thompson seemed nice enough, so Foxy decided to stay, and now the pair hang out, from a distance, every single day.


Foxy settled in to her new place quickly and now behaves as though she has been there forever. She lounges with the cats, takes sleeps on the outdoor sofa, and occasionally breaks inside the house to take Thompson’s slippers.

Foxy started bringing her sister over once she was sure it was safe, and today the two use Thompson’s yard as their own little playground.


The damaged cat door was mended by Thompson to make it a little more difficult for the two once she noticed they were becoming cozy enough to sneak inside the home, much to Foxy’s displeasure.

But I kind of didn’t want her going around the apartment at night stealing my belongings, Thompson said. “I didn’t mind her coming in when I knew where she was.” So I changed it. She wasn’t happy, and now the flap won’t open no matter how hard she tries.


Thompson is extremely conscious of the fact that Foxy and her sister are wild creatures, and she tries to keep a respectful distance in order to prevent them from becoming dependent on people. Foxy occasionally has other ideas, though.

Thompson added, “I’ve never handled them, but Foxy has smelled me several times and once coiled her tail around my legs. “I believed it to be one of the cats… I must emphasize that I am aware they must continue to be cautious around others. If I speak loudly or move too swiftly, they do run.


Foxy and her sister are still extremely young, being just about four months old. The adorable baby foxes just needed a secure place to develop and be themselves, and Thompson is really touched that they selected her yard as that location.


“COVID has meant I’m working from home,” Thompson said. “Taking photos and videos of them in my garden is my happy place.”

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