When A Woman Sees A Mouse She Invites Him To A Little Picnic


Brighid Rose discovered the other day while visiting her parents’ home that an other kind of guest was also present and had been making himself at home.

It was a small mouse that had been rooting about in their cabinets looking for food. The goal for Brighid’s parents was to have him removed, and they hoped their cat could handle it. But when Brighid discovered the mouse when she was there, she made the choice to be more tactful.

Brighid told The Dodo, “I picked him up and carried him out to the field behind their house.

But she went above and above.


It would have been admirable enough to safely remove the small mouse from the premises. Brighid, though, made the decision to go one better.

Brighid stated, “I felt horrible simply abandoning him out in the field. He must have been accustomed to eating all that human food in my parent’s cupboards.” “So I gave him a nice picnic to say farewell,”

In addition to setting out some food, Brighid spread out a napkin to act as a picnic blanket. The little mouse cherished it.

Brighid remarked, “It was incredibly nice. “Over an hour was spent with me sitting next to him. I thought he appeared extremely content.”

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