When Mom Instructs Lazy Husky To Take The Stairs She Throws A Fit


Exercising does not appear to be a favorite pastime for all dogs. Nala — a lovely Husky – is undoubtedly the laziest dog when it comes to physical exertion, while being highly social and loving to go on excursions.

So, even if Nala and her mother go for (brief, of course) walks, things become a little more problematic when they have to return to their apartment.

The obstinate Husky refuses to go any steps without riding the elevator because they reside on a higher floor. If it isn’t possible, Nala will have to be carried up the stairs by her family.


“She is a really pleasant person. Aurora Angel Beste, the dog’s owner, told The Dodo, “She’s quite the character, but she’s very lethargic.”

However, following their most recent visit to the doctor, it was discovered that Nala had become a touch overweight, and he prescribed regular activities. And instead of entering the elevator, climbing the steps would have been the better alternative.

The Husky, on the other hand, isn’t so keen on the notion. So when Nala discovered she had to climb the stairs, she became enraged and threw a temper tantrum in the middle of the stairway, which was amusing to see.

Despite the fact that Nala is a privileged dog, her mother was not satisfied with her performance and insisted on the “treatment.” Fortunately for us all, she also captured the scene on her iPhone, which is excruciatingly sweet.

Despite Aurora’s best attempts to persuade her darling Nala to use the stairs, the obstinate dog had made some progress. “She’ll go up without a struggle sometimes, and she’ll be so obstinate other times,” the mother explained. “It depends on her attitude right now, but she doesn’t feel rushed, so even if she does go up, she takes her sweet time.”

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