Woman Startled To Discover Family Of Mysterious Animals In Her Dog’s Bed


Emma Jane Kidd observed three strange guests cuddled up in her dog Merlin’s bed one rainy night.

Kidd knelt down to get a closer view and noticed three terrified infants utilizing the bed as a warm, secure haven to escape the ferocious winds outside.


Kidd soon identified the animals as quendas, also known as southern brown bandicoots, a marsupial native to southwestern and southern Australia.

Frightened by Kidd and her dog investigating the bed, the mother quenda dashed away, leaving her month-old babies all alone.

Kidd quickly called the Darling Range Wildlife Shelter for help, and, soon enough, the babies were in good hands.

The young quendas were found hiding inside a home, shocking the rescuers.

According to a spokesman from Darling Range Wildlife Shelter, quendas frequently inhabit yards and nearby bushes. If you live on the highlands, seeing them is common. But it’s quite odd to see quendas building a nest in a dog’s bed on a porch.


The shelter posted about the surprising babies on their Facebook account in an effort to raise awareness about what to do if you find these animals in need.

“They aren’t dogs!” the shelter wrote. “The triplets are now in care with us and are expected to grow nice and healthy.”

The quendas will remain at the shelter until they’re big enough to survive on their own, at which point they will be released back into the wild.

Shelter staff emphasized the importance of seeking professional help for wildlife rather than keeping a wild animal or trying to rehabilitate them yourself. This situation is a perfect example of helping wild creatures the right way.

“[Animals] need to be taken to licensed wildlife rehabilitators ASAP and not kept by members of the public,” the shelter representative said.


The quendas, who were previously terrified and abandoned, now have all the assistance required for them to be able to return to the wilderness where they belong.

Kidd ensured that these infants received the life they deserved with only one phone call.

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