Dumpster Diving Raccoon Recognizes His Situation As Hopeless


Just one tiny taste was the beginning of it all. a taste of the remaining food for people. The excellent stuff.

As harmless as that little nibble must have looked at the time, it wasn’t. It served as a starter nibble for this raccoon. He developed a habit that ultimately led to his demise.

Additionally, police involvement has lately occurred.


The other day, Officer Sean Bailey of the Amherst Police Department in New York was called to the scene of the raccoon’s low point in life. It was inside a dumpster filled with discarded food. The raccoon had climbed in to get his fix. But there was a problem.

He got stuck.

“When I first approached the dumpster, I saw the little guy huddled up in the corner,” Bailey told The Dodo. “He looked up at me with his little puppy eyes, eventually turning away from me and hiding his face in the corner.”


The gloomy raccoon could be gently lifted out of the trash by Bailey, but cheering him up wouldn’t be so simple.

The raccoon appeared to be racked with guilt for letting his hunger for a forbidden delicacy lead him astray.

He was at his lowest point.


Fortunately for the raccoon, that meant one thing — the only way to go from there was up. And thanks to Bailey’s assistance, he got the second chance he needed to get back on the straight and narrow.

“I released him there, right back into the wooded area behind the dumpster,” Bailey said.

Hopefully, the raccoon’s dumpster-diving days are over, and he’ll go back to getting his fill on foods raccoons are supposed to eat. After all, getting stuck in a big trash bin isn’t anybody’s idea of fun.

“He better have [learned his lesson]. Because next time I catch him playing in the dumpster, he’s going straight to jail,” Bailey joked.

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