Dog Inspects His Human’s Schoolwork And Refuses To Let Her Look At Her Phone


A parent came up with an ingenious strategy to encourage his daughter to stop doing her homework. He spotted her starting to complete her homework and shortly after she was distracted by her phone and couldn’t finish the lesson.

As a result, he decided to teach his dog to assist him in this scenario. The small girl’s father told the Chinese news station that the daughter was having a lot of trouble finishing her homework because of the cell phone. As a result, he taught his puppy to keep an eye on the girl and not let her steal her phone.

And it’s not that it worked, now the girl can do the lessons. The dog has been with the family since 2016. “He is very well educated. I have trained him since he was a puppy and now he does what I ask him to do,” said the father surnamed Xu.

Credit: You Tube

On the other hand, the puppy appears to be extremely pleased with the girl, sharing wonderful times throughout the day, but when studying, he maintains alert. This is such a sweet scene.

Credit: You Tube

The girl didn’t think it was horrible; in fact, she enjoyed it greatly. Because she adores the dog and he is quite helpful to her. Because every time she picked up her phone, she became distracted and unable to concentrate on anything else.

She doesn’t take up her phone anymore since the puppy is watching her, and she manages to finish her schoolwork. Of course, she’s allowed to pick up her phone after her lesson is over, but do you know what she prefers? He loves playing with his pet dog so much that he does it every day.

Do you think fashion will catch on? Many dogs will have a lot of job to do since today’s youngsters won’t let go of their cell phones, which can cause a lot of problems. There are youngsters that stay at school all day and do nothing else, which is extremely unhealthy for their health.

Everything that is excessive is not beneficial, thus knowing how to dosage is best. So be cautious if you spend a lot of time on your phone; else, we’ll have to summon the puppy to keep an eye on you.

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