Someone Stopped To Pour A Drink For The Thirsty Armadillo


The smallest gestures may sometimes make the largest effect.

Caio Giovani — and the small child whose life he most likely spared — can attest to this.


Giovani was driving a truck along an arid stretch of road in Mato Grosso, Brazil, the other day when he was warned of a little barrier ahead. He came to a halt to examine the situation more closely and spotted a wary armadillo.

“I could see he wasn’t feeling well,” Giovani explained to The Dodo. “It felt like he was pleading with me for something… some assistance.”

Thankfully, Giovani was considerate enough to respond. Giovani took the armadillo there and opened the faucet, remembering he had a tank of water on his vehicle.

Giovani stood there watching as the armadillo swam in the cool water, waiting till he’d gotten his fill.

After moving the armadillo to a more shady location, Giovani offered him a banana in case he was hungry as well.

The two then parted ways, one whose life had been saved by that little pause, and the other whose soul had been elevated by the opportunity to assist.

“I abandoned him on the outskirts of the woods,” Giovani explained. “He was a whole lot better.”

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