When She Sees Her At The Shelter The ‘Dead’ Dog Runs Into Mom’s Arms


Last week, Maile Trist checked her email and saw a message she thought was a joke. After being discovered wandering through a neighboring rock quarry, her beloved dog, a senior Chihuahua called Jazzy, was sent to the Cowley County Humane Society.

Trist didn’t understand the email because Jazzy had died two years before.


When Trist first met Jazzy at San Diego Humane Society four years ago, she ignored the “Do not pet” sign on her cage. Somehow she knew they’d have a connection.

“I came across my gorgeous girl, I stuck my hand in the cage, and she automatically walked right up to me, tail wagging, and put her head in my hand,” Trist told The Dodo. “I started crying because I had found my dog!”


Trist relocated from California to Kansas after two years. She thought she didn’t have enough time to devote to Jazzy since she was overburdened by the relocation and a new full-time job. So she enlisted the help of a dog-loving couple she knew to look after her dog until she could settle in.

Trist attempted to contact the couple again, but they ignored her calls and deactivated their social media accounts. She couldn’t seem to locate them. Six months later, Trist’s fiancé tracked them out and demanded Jazzy’s return.


“The lady told him she had died three months prior,” Trist said. “About a year and half went by, and lots and lots of grieving. I felt horrible for ever giving her to them because I thought I wasn’t there for her last moments.”

Trist thought she’d never see her beloved dog again, but luckily, Jazzy had a microchip. And when she got the news that Jazzy had been located, she dropped everything to be with her dog again.


“I automatically headed home from my job and got in the car and headed to her,” Trist said. “I was crying on and off the whole way there, which was almost a three-hour drive. I couldn’t believe she was still alive and I had no idea how she ended up that far away, but in those moments, I did not care.”

When Trist arrived at the shelter, and watched Jazzy walk towards her again, she couldn’t hold back her tears.

Watch their touching reunion here:

Jazzy quickly recognized her mother, and her small tail began wagging furiously.

“She walked off to sniff about, but then came back to me and gave me even more kisses,” says the narrator “Trist noted. “She wouldn’t leave my lap or arms for the entire vehicle journey home.”


Jazzy has returned home, and she has vowed to never allow her mother out of her sight.

“She’s been ecstatic ever then, and she won’t leave my side or allow me go anyplace without her,” she says “said Trist. “”I share your sentiments!”

The specific circumstances of the elderly dog’s death are unknown, but what matters is that she is secure and ready to live her golden years in comfort, surrounded by her loving family.

“She’s a bit whiter than the last time I saw her, and her hips are a little painful,” Trist explained, “but she’s still the same old lady she was before, and I’m so grateful she stayed loving during these last two years.”

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